In today’s business world, correct and timely information is power, and the more it is shared the greater is the value of knowledge. It is for this reason why not only academic institutions but also private sector companies, public institutions, non-governmental organisations and business associations organise events and launch publications in order to share knowledge and create value. Atlı Global supports such events and publications as a content provider.

In all areas that are of interest for the business community at the local and global level, including but not limited to, global economy, emerging markets, foreign policy, geopolitical events, we bring the experts of the field together, and produce original content in a way that the right information is supplied at the right time, creating optimal value.

For events like conferences, seminars, roundtable meetings and workshops, we do not only offer suggestions for speakers, but also prepare —in dialogue with our client— papers to be circulated before the event and serve as the basis for discussions during the event, speech texts to be used during the event, supporting documents and visual presentations, follow-up and event summary reports.

In a similar way, we also provide value creating and thought provoking content for printed and/or online publications of companies and institutions.

Knowledge is power. And we want to add our power to yours